The unfulfilled wish to have a child
In Austria and Germany approximately one in five to seven couples encounter fertility problems: that means around 15% of couples are involuntarily childless. Many people are surprised to hear how common these difficulties are. So you are certainly not alone in this experience and your search for answers.

The causes of infertility are many and varied. In women, diseases such as PCO syndrome or endometriosis can play a major role. Causes of infertility in men are often related to reduced sperm quality. The prerequisite for successful treatment of infertility is careful diagnostic investigation of the underlying disorder. This helps us determine the most suitable treatment for your individual situation. In the majority of cases infertility is now treatable. Treatment options range from medicinal therapies or surgical procedures to in vitro fertilization (assisted reproduction = IVF, ICSI).
At Döbling Fertility Center our motto is: “As much as necessary, but as little as possible!”