Examinations for men
Methods used frequently include:
The male partner’s fertility can be assessed by microscopic examination of the sperm. Semen produced by masturbation is examined under the microscope for quantity, form and motility of the sperm.
Since sperm quality may fluctuate significantly, the examination is carried out twice with an interval of at least one month. In addition, a microbiological investigation of the seminal fluid is usually carried out. In rare cases a tissue sample is taken from the testes in order to establish whether there is any problem with sperm cell production.
Andrological investigations by urologists begin with palpation, where necessary combined with ultrasound investigation. The aim is to search for any abnormalities in the testes or epididymides. The prostate gland is examined via the rectum. These organs are generally also examined by ultrasound.
Low sperm count can be caused by impaired hormone balance. Testing hormone levels in the blood allows this kind of disorder to be excluded. Hormonal disorders are much less common in men than in women.
Another option for investigation in the case of insufficient sperm cells is to look for genetic abnormalities. This can be done with a simple blood sample that is tested in a laboratory.
Counseling for men
The subject of male fertility receives too little attention in our society and is to some extent taboo.
Men’s counseling allows these issues to be discussed in an atmosphere of trust with a leading fertility expert, and to find individualized solutions and ways to fulfill the wish for a child.
For further information or to make an appointment:
Dr. Markus Margreiter
Specialist in Urology and Andrology